Tuesday, 12 September 2017

This is not a oil cooler? Tom's tail lights!

Shortly after I order my HEL oil cooler, I get a message saying it'll be delayed, but 2 days later I get a package from HEL? Opening the package I see "TOM'S" printed on the box inside the package... Hang on a second....!

SURPRISE! Wifey bought me brand new Tom's tail lights because she knew I've been eyeing them off but would have never bought them for myself because I don't usually buy things that don't affect the cars performance or reliability. She secret organised this with Import Monster and BRZ mate (Hi Jorge!) without me even knowing. Sneaky!

Princess confirms "This is tail lights, not oil cooler. Bamboozled again!"

Woohoo! Oil cooler soon quicker than expected! ....
(Yes, she forged return address haha)

They must of ran out of boxes for the oil cooler....

Brand new Tom's!

Makes me understand why people get hooked on buying parts to dress-up their cars.

Looks fairly easy. Single harness and 4 to secure.

Flasher unit included to replace the OEM one to make sure the indicators flash at the correct rate. Hopefully not too hard to install.

Famous last words.... Removing the OEM flasher from his mess took ages!

OEM flash with its clip that made it rather hard to install along side the new one.

Oh, I've never really paid attention to the OEM indicator. Here it is in all it's glory.

This is the new Tom's one I tested before mounting to the car. 

Rear tail lights removed and cleaned up. Apparently water runs over the top of the housing so the surface needs to be clean for the new gasket to seal without any leaks.

All done!

New (left) vs Old (right)

Looking a quarter of a million dollars!

... Ok, maybe not a whole quarter million, but it's not bad for a fraction of the cost! haha

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Car gauge OBD2 scanner nerd fun

How hot does the engine get especially when tracked? No idea! Without any gauges to tell me, I decided to get a OBD2 scanner and my old HTC phone to read out some temps to keep an eye on things.

Very happy with how it all works from the info I can read out to the refresh rate. Long term I'll either mount the phone in the car somewhere or get an Android head unit output this to.

Went with a used Scantool.net OBDLink MX from some guy in WA. Took almost 1.5 weeks to arrive by AustPost. It's so far it's almost a different country! And the bullet casing in the top right was in the box.... 

The OBD port is positioned in the foot well near the clutch. A small compact design means I won't hit it when I'm driving, or kick it getting in and out of the car.

The original OBDLink app that came with the scanner. Looks nice and is fairly customisable.

Torque app. Doesn't look as good but is more widely used judging by forums. A small tweak in adding the output parameters was required to get oil temp read outs. Definitely out an out-of-the-box solution by a long shot.

Need to think of a better place to mount this in the long run...

Borrowed one of these type of OBD2 scanners to test before I went the OBDLink MX but unfortunately it didn't work and threw a CEL. Helped me decide to go straight to the MX