This is only 5 months late, but after looking at the pics and vids, it was like it happened... well 5 months ago!
At this particular Winton there were no material changes to the car. Just hoping to get out there and improve my driving and as always aiming for a PB.
PB! Found another 0.2 seconds bringing to 1:43.104 (from 1:43.372)
Footage this time was using my dashcam A118C B40C with sound disabled because I forgot to turn on the GoPro and didn't have sound enabled on the dashcam. Footage came out better than expected, but a few notches lower in quality compared to the GoPro. Enjoy the tunes!
Decided to pedal dance (Thanks PeterF for the tip) and this was the result! Des was following me so the other in car view is how he saw it
How did it feel? Unsure if placebo, but the rear definitely felt livelier then just Traction Off. Would I do it again? Yup! I definitely feel like there's more to it.
Did you ever wonder what your optimal PB lap on RaceChrono would look like?
So did I, so I made this to see what me doing a 1:42.36 by stitching the different sector vids together.
Blue (Old) vs Red (New): Looks like the 0.2 was found in the final 2 right handers going into the back straight
Red 1:43.104
Blue 1:43.372
Collected a bit of dust with that pedal dance-off
I nearly merged into this guy at the freeway entrance at Springvale Rd! Ended up cruising together to Wallan BP.
Heading towards PBs*
(*Artist impression, no one was using a camera whilst driving)
Thank you Winton Motor Raceway! Too polite!
Always good to see GTRs and other 86s on the track
Same destination after all.
More mates
Not sure about the colour, but don't mind the brakes
Tom's! Just 'mirin.