Saturday, 30 March 2019

Hardrace Adjustable Lower Control Arms

The BRZ does not come with any sort of rear camber adjustment from factory, and to make matters worse there was about half-a-degree difference in camber between the left and right side. So to correct this imbalance and give me some adjustability I decided to get some adjustable Hardrace lower control arms. Huge thanks to Dez to help sourcing these!

Excellent condition, never been tracked etc.

Camber adjustment! 

Stock lower control arm. No camber adjustment.

OEM(top) vs Hardrace (bottom). The kid before me must have been running proper tintly wheels based off the length!

More OEM vs Hardrace. Noting how they reinforced the arm in both cases.

Eyeballing the length to get them somewhat the same length before getting a proper alignment.

Fits like a glove.

Lowering it down before torquing it up. Couldn't torque the nut behind the wheel properly anyway

OEM arm bushes look to be in pretty good condition

Fitted and driven to Raceline for an alignment first thing Saturday morning!

GTR for sale at Raceline for 85 big ones!

Note to self: Remove race stickers and wash car straight after track days...

Before the alignment. My eyeball rear camber wasn't too far off!

Spoke to Ray heaps about Shockworks coilovers and these are some 6kg springs just lying around. These will go perfectly with a set of Shockworks with the 5kg rears....

Undercarriage shot with the arms installed. Colour matched the hoist!

Final alignment. Somehow found some extra camber in the front? Maybe wear and tear? But more importantly it is now even 1.5 degs in the rear now! 

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Post Sandown Brakes Aftermath

After the brakes fell apart at Sandown I pulled off the wheels to take a closer look....

Before that tallied up approximately how many days and laps the days had done... 

Track/Event Days ~Laps
Winton (Long Track) 4 110
METEC Skidpan/Street Course 1 ?
Philip Island 1 23
Sandown 1 28 - Failed
Total 7 161

So in just under 2-years of installing them, 7 events and about 160 laps later they fell apart. I won't complain....

... But I did complain to Project MU anyway, and they've kindly offered a discount on my next purchase of pads, but trying to get them to come through with the goods on that has been a bit on the slow side right now. Story for another day!

Rotors are nicely scored from the damaged pads

Pretty sure the pad material isn't supposed to stick out like that...

Definitely shouldn't look like this. But I have been told if the pad material is the width of the backing plate, they should be replaced as they can't displace enough heat anymore. Lesson learnt.

Old pad vs Near new pad

The other side is more of the same

I wonder if they all failed at once?

2 pizzas please!

Got them machined at the local brake guy for $30 a corner. A little steep, considering a new pair of RDA rotors are ~$150. But these are DBA and figured worth saving.

Going to another set of PMU HC800 despite happened to the last set. They did last x number of events and got these cheap.

Squeal indicator. It didn't even come close before failing!

All fitted back as good as new.