Sunday, 21 May 2017

DIY Gearbox & Diff Oil Change - If at first you don't succeed, try it again!

To be prepared is to PB! Or something along those lines. With Winton just around the corner now, it is time to get the car ready as it will be more taxing on the car than the previous Haunted Hill track.

It is good practice to swap out the fluids after buying a used car so I know exactly what is in it and exactly when it needs to be serviced again. So for the gearbox and diff I'll be using Motul Gear 300 as recommended by Autosphere! A+ seller, super honest and accommodating, and at a very competitive price. Thanks Mugsee!

There was a slight concern the GL-4/GL-5 nature of the oil may not be good for the brass synchros in the gearbox but that is old-hat thinking and it is no longer an issue with modern oils.

Never waste a chance when the car is jacked up on all 4's, so I rotated the tyres and checked the brakes whilst I was at it. The brand new full size spare gets rotated into the system. Max grip = PB right? 😆

First impressions after the gearbox oil change, the transmission felt harder to get into 2nd gear than before when cold. But once it warmed up, it shifted smoothly. Almost regret doing the oil change however I know this is better under track conditions which is more important than smooth cold shifts.

I'd be lying if I said I could feel a difference with the diff because I couldn't. Though the new tyre in the rear likes to make a bit of noise. I suspect being a new tyre it still needs to run in.

Fail story: No blog entry is complete with a fail tale. After I thought I was finished working on the car, as I was emptying the oil tray I realised I didn't put enough oil in the gearbox! So up the car went on stands again and under it I went, again. I basically re-did 90% of the gearbox oil process to add in the oil I missed. On a positive note, I'm getting good at jacking up the car and putting it on stands! 😓

Liquid gold, and some borrowed hex keys and jack stands from a fellow crew member. Thanks!

Gingerly got the car on stands for the first time. Pinch weld WILL BEND if you use it. I used the spot just behind it, and I lived to tell the tale.

Dirty diff. Makes me want to wash the under body.

Fill and drain plugs off. Magnetic drain plug catches some metal goo.

All cleaned up and the good-ol-crush-washer-reverse-and-reuse trick this time.

Jam that into this and squeeze!

Couldn't get all the fluid at the bottom in using the jam and squeeze method, so I pump the rest. Can't waste good oil!

And that's the rear done. A quick wipe and the urge to clean the underbody gets stronger 😅

To get to the transmission this fibre glass cover needs to come off. Never had a car with this up under-body covers, so fancy.

Cover off, drain and fill plugs spotted. Such a clean box 😁

Drain plug with some metal fuzz.

More jamming and squeezing, and this is where I messed up and didn't put enough in by not using the oil pump!

Inspecting the brake pads level. Very hard to see and the peep hole isn't much better, but looks like there is plenty.

What Google recommended for the tyre rotation. Works for me, I want that grip in the rear.

Plenty of tread left on all tyres and still has them little rubber spikes on the side walls.

Brand new full size spare. Time to make it work.

Bird krap? Spit? WTH is this? Was on the new spare in the car and doesn't wipe off easily?

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