The stock tyres lasted about half a track day before they felt like they were too hot. They could survive another half-day again, but where's the fun in doing half a day so I decided to grab myself some Hankook RS3 tyres since all the cool kids were using them and they are rather affordable right now.
So I ordered and pre-paid for the stock size (215/45R17) but come the day of fitment they were out of stock and if I insisted on that size they will need to order it in and it'll cost me more than the original price. HOWEVER they offered me a set of 225/45R17 at no extra cost me. Couldn't say no to a free upsize! I did the maths, since the aspect ratio is the same, I will have a slightly larger rolling diameter of 1.6% which is well within acceptable tolerances.
The stock rotors looked like rubbish after the track day so replacing them was high on the list. I suspect something happening with the OEM pad compound once they get hot which caused the damaged so they also need to go. The replacement front rotors are DBA slotted T2 Street Series and the rears are OE replacement. I went for a slightly better front to see if they can handle the abuse I'm going to dish out. My current rears don't look too bad so OE replacement should do. I could machine the OEM ones I'm swapping out for later reuse.
Pads are Project MU HC+800 all around. Tried and proven in all my previous cars so happy to go back to them. I did notice they have a slightly smaller surface area than the stock pads though! Less is more? One way to find out...
Fluid is ATE Super Blue. Previously I was always using RBF600, but I had to bleed it after every track day, so I'm happy to give ATE a go, and at half the price of RBF600, it's worth a shot! Also the colour-changing-ness when bleeding the fluid is great!
The fail/upcoming fail task: On my test drive after fitting the brakes, within the first 50 meters I heard a loud metallic ping noise. I pulled over for a closer inspection and all looked well, went for drive to bed the brakes and the noise never happened again and the car stopped on dime. But I can't shake the feeling about that noise. Maybe it was just the shims settling, or maybe it's the handbrake spring popping off? Either way, I think I'll need to go back and have another look soon 😢
Want grip? Go to the masters!
Fat 225s! I like it, looks more and more like a semi... Maybe I'm just dreaming of semis!
Alignment specs. Extra ordinary since there is no camber adjustment with the factory suspension.
Brake goodies acquired. Thank you eBay sales, Autosphere and OTR! Time to get to work...
WTH! Moss in the brake master cylinder reservoir? I thought this was a new car...
The rear rotors, not actually looking all that bad?
Rear pads: New vs Old
Dirty shims... Less dirty shims
DBA OE Replacement rotor... with way too many holes drilled into it. Better not let too much dirt into the handbrake mechanism 😟
Swapping the pad shims over
One corner done... 3 to go!
Got dark so left it like this overnight.
The fronts. Looks properly messed up to me. The scoring is deep enough to feel a ditch when I run my fingers over it.
Closer inspection. Results are the same on both front rotors.
Pad compound I suspect overheated and did the damage?
All the front OEM pads and shims, cleaned, I think... Don't look so clean in the photo.
OEM Pad compared the PMU HC+. There's actually less surface area in the HC+ ?
There's 2 holes that I could use a bolt on to pop the rotor out. Best idea ever!
DBA T2 Slotted Street Series rotor. Looks pretty neat!
Cleaning that extra bit of paint next to the hat was a bit annoying.
Everything put back together!
ATE Super Blue! So cool seeing the colour come through the line during the flush.
BRZ tow hook vs Outback tow hook. Looks like I can borrow this for the next track day!
Despite how many of these cars are on the road I never paid attention to the rear much. Maybe cos I don't like the tail lights. But with the lights on, in the dark and with some LED lights (courtesy of the previous owner), it doesn't look all that bad!