Sunday, 30 July 2017

Nugget Nationals Winton - Easy PB is still a PB

This was the first track day with the new brakes and tyres combo so the 3 second improvement came easier than usual. If in doubt, just throw money and mods at it!

Stock as a rock: 1:47.4220
Better brakes/tyres: 1:44.1580

This update is 3 months late, so I'll let the pictures do the talking. But a huge thanks as always to the crew and Nugnats for another great event, and to Steur Imagery for some awesome pics!

Attacking the S. Love this shot!!

Why is it I can always see a few tenths when watching the video but had no idea on the day?!

More action shots courtesy of Steur Imagery

Feels (and looks) like it corners fairly flat. Not bad for OEM suspension.

Forgot who I got this shot from, but thanks! WTB wing!

How the RS3s looked after some abuse

Kicked up a lot of dust and muck in general all over myself, and check out how dusty the PMU pads are.

Drained the battery on the GoPro when I forgot to turn it off so I was charging between sessions.

Some random pre-Winton work I did....
Flash back: My own fire extinguisher mount. Just another Import Monster one.

Battery charger cable fitted and found the perfect little gap to tuck it into.

Investigating the metallic ping led me to adjusting the handbrake.

For reference:
Natsoft Official Timing - 1:44.1580
Racechrono Timing - 1:44.18
Racechrono Optimal - 1:43.41
Laps: 29

Power/Handling/Brakes: Stock
Tyres: Hankook R-S3 (32 psi hot, Track Count:1)
Engine Oil: Redline 5w30
Diff/Gearbox fluid: Motul Gear 300 75W90

Tracking App: RaceChrono Android
External GPS: Qstarz GPS (5Hz)
Camera: GoPro Hero 3
Overlay Software: RaceRender Povo Edition

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