Saturday, 26 May 2018

Single Conversion!

... Single oil cooler banjo conversion even 😆

Being unhappy about the lack of clearance with the oil cooler fittings around the air box and hardline, I did some research and found I could convert the fittings to a banjo fitting to give myself some more wriggle room.

The replacement parts:

  • 1x -10AN Banjo Adapter To 1/2" BSP (Link)
  • 1x -10AN 90 Degree Male to Female Adapter (Link)

The issue...

The problem out front: Fittings basically touch the air box and come quite close to the oil cap.

The problem out back: Thermostat even shaved comes way too close to this hard line

The solution...

Left: -10AN Banjo Adapter To 1/2" BSP
Right: -10AN 90 Degree Male to Female Adapter

The first challenge was finding a big enough hex key to fit the banjo...

Fellow BRZ mate lent me his hex keys. 10mm was the biggest one, but nope, too small.

Track mate lends me his hex keys and 12mm fit like a charm.

Removed the air box. Almost forgot I got a K&N filter. Must be worth a fraction of a kw?..

Removed the original Mocal fitting to be replaced with the banjo

Eye ball says they're both 1/2" BSP... Find out soon enough..

The -10AN ends of the fittings. Less concerned about this end.

A bit of Lego'ing later, it all fit together ok!

Clearance between the fitting and oil filter. Much less concerned about this than the air box and hard line.

The damage done to the back of the air box

Plenty of clearance around the oil cap and the thermostat has been rotated well away from the hard line

And the fittings no longer need to touch the air box

After a start up test and drive around the block with no leaks I'm happy with how it all turned out

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